Book Launch – Inferential Statisctics and Data Analysis for Decision Making by Abraham K. Waithima, PHD

One of my fascination with Christians who contributed to the sciences is Jean Buridan who lived before the 18th Century (1300–58). He was a French philosopher and priest. One of his most significant contributions to science was the development of the theory of impetus, that explained the movement of projectiles and objects in free-fall. This theory gave way to the dynamics of Galileo Galilei and for Isaac Newton‘s famous principle of inertia.

This is why I was thrilled to connect with Prof. Abraham Waithima and his book contribution to the world of statistics. Prof holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Cape Town and is an Associate Professor of Economics at Daystar University with 24 years’ experience at the University level. He is the immediate former Vice Chancellor of University of Kigali and has been a member of the Daystar University Council representing the Senate.

Now a retired member of the deacon board for CITAM, he is a member of the Academic Committee of the Council for AIU. It was a privilege for CLC Kenya to facilitate Prof’s dream. He is married with 2 adult children.

A joke goes, variance is what any two statisticians are at 🙂 I personally love numbers, I was an ‘A’ Math student, enjoyed accounts for as long as it lasted and finance modelling was a key part of my life for a few years. However, working with the Professor, I learned that a statistician can have his head in an oven and his feet in ice, and he will say that on the average he feels fine. If you did not get the joke, you need to grab a copy of this book and learn how people are using statistics for every day decision making by accurately interpreting data.

How Did Your Writing Begin?

I have published a number of academic papers in peer-reviewed journals, books and book chapters. This current book is my second one where I am the sole author.

Why a Statistics Book? 

The idea of putting together this book was borne out of my passion to see proper interpretation of statistics for decision making. The book combines statistics and data analysis which helps the reader to make proper interpretation of statistics

Who’s the Target Reader for this Book?

The target reader is university and college student, faculty, researchers and all those who use data for decision making.

Are There Many Christians Who Have Written Academic Books?

Yes, there are a number of Christians who have written academic  books and I think there is room for improvement.

How Has The Publishing Journey Been Like?

This particular book has taken me 10 years to put together. There was always something competing for my time especially administrative responsibilities. Even while very busy, I kept doing a section of the book at a time. When I finally submitted the manuscript to the publishers, we began another journey back and forth but finally the book is out. I have benefited from the support of family, friends, colleagues and my students.

How Did You Feel After Launching the Book?

A great sense of relieve and accomplishment. I have received several congratulatory messages from family, colleagues, friends and my students and there is a fire that is telling me to go ahead and publish other books.

So There are More Books in the Pipeline?

Yes, I have 2 in mind.

Where can one find the book?

Iam working with a number of bookshops. For now, the book is available at the KU Plaza Bookshop along Haile Selassie Avenue.

Individuals can order copy by paying via Mpesa Till Number 5009141.

What’s the retail price?

The book is retailing at Kes 1,220

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