Do proper research at the beginning

This will include reading through other authors’ books on the subject matter; researching from the internet; and using any other relevant materials. 

*You should ensure you write down the references as you do your research to save yourself from looking for the references later during the publishing process. You should cut and paste the references on the last page of your writing pad/book/word processor etc. You should indicate book titles and the authors. 

*Avoid plagiarism – using other people’s content without credits to them is a crime punishable by law (and most times, ends up in expensive suits). If you did not say it, you should quote it and build on it. It also demonstrates your faithfulness as Christians. 

*If you are interviewing people, you should ensure the interview notes are well done either in video, audio or written formats. Take as many notes as possible, and make sure you let the people know how you will be using their feedback to avoid future disagreements. You can use simple forms for your interviewees to fill allowing you to use their feedback in your book project.

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