Leadership Strategies for Authors – Biblical Inspiration for Authors (Joyce Wakini)

An author bears authority over a certain body of knowledge. That is his or her sphere of influence, it’s a territory and much is expected of the leader. Why? For the reason that, writing isn’t just a tool of communication, but also a teaching ministry. Many authors have excelled worldwide and today, we are here to encourage ourselves to do the same, if not more. Faithful servants, let us keep in mind what our Master Teacher, Jesus Christ instructed us to accomplish in His absence in;

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father”.

John 14:12NIV

The questions then become

  1. How does a leader (an author) lead his people (readers/audience) to victory through his/her writings? Matching solutions to problems?
  2. How do you as an author tackle your work and personal battles or escape from troubles triumphantly?

You see, our Master knows very well that, the life and work we do isn’t trouble free at all, and I would encourage us to share some of the troubles and pains we have faced in this journey. As an author and single mother, many a time, I have been too exhausted to write.

However, in John 16:33 He said,

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world!

Authors, let us explore various strategies as we soldier on till that book is in the hands of every reader.


There are people in the bible who faced enormous battles or had to fulfil huge responsibilities. However, they had three strategies working for them; –

  1. God on their side – His will  
  2.  A battle plan – This is where His Will becomes I will in your own words
  3. Works. Without this, there can be no results. A published book is a demonstration of both your will (beliefs & plan) and your work.

What we can learn from these biblical examples?

1) Noah shut himself in the ark with those who would listen to him including animals. How did they come out after the flood waters subsided? He sent birds as spies then he released his people when he was sure about their safety. Writing is a very delicate process that requires picking and putting together content agreeable with your goals, picking carefully what you need and shutting out all the rest including people. And the flow and flood of information continues until the time to release the book arrives. We too must find time to write. Must be willing to be grounded physically until the rainbow appears to be shining on your works! Fight that writing block until you place all the content where it belongs, then it will be safe to release your manuscript.

2) The Israelites left Egypt when God said, ‘leave’. That night they slept standing with their bags packed. Some of us are quite divided in our attention, holding onto too much stuff until we are unable to deliver results. Sometimes we are writing two or three books at the same time not really finishing any. Choose one in order to complete the work. Leave the place of clutter and step into a place of clarity by completing your days’ tasks. Your ability and speed of response to opportunities and calls for authors needs to be backed by readiness e.g., bio, book stocks etc

3) Joshua and the Jericho battle – In the first round they lost to the enemy. The second time they went along with God’s plan, lesser armies and trumpets instead of weapons. Humility in order to hear instructions is necessary. Don’t work hard on your own. Invite God’s grace and presence into every part of your work. You may have under delivered before but you can do it again, prayerfully, patiently and diligently. Remember Jesus said, I will send you a helper (the Holy Spirit). Therefore, ask God, “what do you want me to tell your people? I am a pen ready to write.” With God on your side, who can be against us Romans 8:31

4) King Saul’s fight against Goliath. He was accused of sending a child (David) to fight – It is said that Kenyan books aren’t top notch. And maybe there is truth in it but we are growing as an industry and are also learning the international standards of book practice. I encourage you to grow with the industry, for a teaching ministry that has a global presence. Do you need to improve on vocabulary? Engage your dictionary for synonyms and antonyms

5) Moses hands had to be held up with stones till they won the battle. Whenever his hands went down the enemy started winning, therefore his aides put stones under his arms till the battle was over – When exhaustion sets in, who or what structures holds you up? Let’s embrace the power of rest as taught by Pastor Barnabas Achoki in 2020. Find a good and reliable place, time and people to help you rest and recuperate. What other sources of income do you have that can secure you as you take time to write? Such income generating strategies can cushion you against life’s demands. That will free your hands and mind to write.

6) King Solomon – This man knew who owns the wisdom – He asked God to give him wisdom. An author will always have many counsellors but there is only one Wonderful Counsellor from whom all good things come. Keep touching base with God so that your writings may be filled with wisdom. Wisdom is different from knowledge. It demonstrates how to apply knowledge.

7) Nehemiah – This man surveyed the ruins of Jerusalem twice, in the dark. The surveys helped him map out his plans. He was willing to learn. The more authors learn about the industry or sharpen their writing, speaking and teaching skills the more equipped they become for the task ahead.

8) Samson – He was confused about his ministry,enough to let the cat out of the bag! Yes, he revealed the source and purpose of his strength? Well, well, well, authors’ – distractions are many especially as a public figure. Success if not handled well has led many down the stairs from grace to disgrace. Remain focused on the work, while managing well the trappings of fame and fortune that come with the job.

9) The donkey that carried Jesus into Jerusalem while walking on a green carpet, amidst jubilation. The next day without the job of carrying Jesus Christ, it had gone back to its old quiet life. The next day Jesus had moved on to something else. Our commission is also for a short time, while we still have strength to do it. Therefore, do it now, for if not now then when? Try and keep in step, not lagging behind too much. Maybe you are called to write songs, poetry or books. Fulfil the purpose in your gift as a writer, teacher, a distributor, a publisher, an editor, a book seller etc.


Jesus Christ – The Saviour of the world accepted the troubles that came with the position. He ensured the work was finished as was scheduled to happen – death. Unlike Samson, Jesus never took his eyes off the cross – a very painful goal – death. For such a kind gentleman, He didn’t shy away from goals. We even know how He travelled long distances and long hours to teach people.

  • What is your victory walk in the decade 2021 =2030 comprised of?
  • Have you tabulated the goals you want to hit this year?
  • What is the size of the territories you want to occupy? How many books would you want to write?
  • What resources do you require?
  • Which foot paths/ route maps will you make and follow?

The challenges and goals of the above-mentioned people in the bible were to the point of life or death. Surely, how does that compare with your typing away on a computer? I want to believe that maybe none of us is working under such dangerous conditions. What this means though is that the moves we make as authors could mean life or death of the teaching ministry and your career as well.

I titled this devotion as a victory walk and not a walk in the park because there are hurdles that we must clear in order to have great books at hand.



  1. Own your journey.  Fully acknowledge the good and flip sides of this coin. It will both benefit you a lot and cost you a lot.
  2. Appreciate your journey – It is a gift of teaching and every book is different.
  3. Fulfil your journey – WorDs become worKs. Your progress report is all you have until the book is released.
  4. Travel safe – Prepare well for how you will market your book. Who are your target customers? Can your readers see the point of applying the teachings? How is the user experience like? Format of your book? Is it pictorial, stories, conversational, instructional? You can read more about the power of preparation in my book title Another Fabulous Year.
  5. Pack for this journey – Compile your writings systematically ready to go to the publisher with a well compiled manuscript.
  6. Arrive in the market – Launch, promote and distribute your book. The market place is the real destination of your works. In case of clarification, you can read more about directions and destinations in my book Another Fabulous Year where I contrast and compare the two. Anyway, when you arrive at the destination of your writings, you will know that your job is complete.

May you enjoy God’s favour as you give Him your utmost

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