About the Program

Jesus Killed My Business: But Gave Me His

Unleash the Power of Your Divine Purpose!

Are you ready to be inspired by a journey of faith and surrender to God’s plan for your life?

Be Inspired by Jesus Killed My Business: But Gave Me His by Dr. Muthoni Omukhango

From childhood dreams of building a multi-million-dollar empire to supporting God’s work through foundations and missionary centers, Dr. Muthoni Omukhango’s vision seemed within reach. But just as her business consulting firm was about to soar to unprecedented heights, everything came to a halt…

Discover a Story of Resilience and Divine Intervention:

1. Unexpected Turnaround: Witness how a thriving business was stopped at its pinnacle.

2. Faith in Adversity: Follow Dr. Muthoni’s journey through disappointment, near depression, and ultimate revelation.

3. Divine Purpose: Learn how God’s greater plan brought her immense joy, fulfillment, and a deeper sense of purpose.

4. Inspiring Impact: See how her new path in full-time ministry is touching thousands of lives across Africa and beyond.

Why Read This Book and Listen to the Podcast?

1. Motivational: Gain insights into overcoming life’s toughest challenges and transittions.

2. Transformative: Understand the power of aligning your professional and career growth desires with God’s path for you.

3. Inspiring: Be uplifted by Dr. Muthoni Omukhango’s story of grace, mercy, and divine purpose.

Get Your Copy Today!

Join Muthoni Omukhango on a journey that will not only inspire you but also show you the immense joy and fulfillment that comes from embracing God’s plan for your life.

Available at Major Bookstores and Online Retailers Now!


Your Host

Join me, Muthoni Omukhango in this journey surrender to God!

Jesus Killed My Business: But Gave Me His

From a tender age, Muthoni Omukhango envisioned building a multi-million-dollar empire that would consequently support the work of God through foundations and missionary centres. Jesus Killed My Business is the story of a business consulting firm that was stopped at the pinnacle of its success. After years of hard work and at the point of an opportunity to expand and bring in millions in profits, everything stopped!

Through Muthoni’s journey of disappointment in God and near depression due to the closure of her business, she discovered that God’s plan for her life was far greater than she could have ever imagined.

With His business, she found immense joy, fulfilment, and a deeper sense of purpose in her full-time ministry that money could never provide.

Embracing the interjection of God’s grace, mercy, and purpose, Muthoni embarked on a journey that would not only impact her own life but also touch the lives of thousands of Christian authors in Africa and abroad.


8-Session Program

For all believers...

Session 1:

Anointed From Birth

1-1 The Younger Shall Rule the Older

1-2 My Prophecy

1-3 When Deep Calls Unto Deep

1-4 Again, I Say to You.

Session 2:

Purpose Takes a Zigzag Path

2-1 Jacob Took His Blessing By ‘Force’

2-2 I Also Took My Blessing By ‘Force’

2-3 The Power of Company

2-4 God Sustains What He Has Assigned

Session 3:

The Bethel Altar-An Assurance

Session 4:

Obedience Through Suffering

Session 5:

Hearing God Again

Session 6:

Why Do Humans Fight God?

Session 7:

Change of Name

Session 8:

My Lessons from Jesus’ Business Model

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