4 comments On Step 1: Why Are You writing Your Book?

  • Answer the question, “Why are you writing?”

    We are writing to encourage ministers who are beginning to serve God in various fields and the entire Body of Christ at large and even those who are in the ministry to know and understand that in spite of the challenges we face that God is well able to see us through, to strengthen us and help us emerge victorious.

  • For over a decade, I have had reflections of my short lived life. I am convinced that as much as I have not lived too long on the earth, I have had some life transforming experiences; experiences that even people that are chronologically older than me haven’t had. The experiences are good and bad in equal measures. My reason for wanting to put my many short stories that sum up to where I today, is to be a source of encouragement, be a resource and a hope through God’s leading. There are things I wish I had someone to hold my hand through. I want to hold someone else’s hand that could be in the same predicaments I was in. I am a firm believer of “life don’t just happen” There’s always a reason, and my desire for writing could be the answer to many in generations to come. My life’s events bigger and smaller happened for me to edify someone else and I am committed to doing that.

  • I am writing my book to reach out to the society about the life of a divorce and separation child
    and leaning on my God for guidance .

    • Why I’m writing the book?
      1. Is a calling
      2. To glorify God
      3. To impact lives.

      Thank you for the opportunity

      “Would I write if no one would ever read it?” I look at writing as a form of worship, a time to be intimate with God. when I am writing He is inspiring me, prompting me to engage Him on a level that sometimes Is deeper than prayer or the words that I might speak otherwise. I feel close to Him when I hear my keyboard chatter with anticipation, each key stroke inviting Him to bless my thoughts and interact with my soul. Writing is a way that I bless others, with words of encouragement and love.
      If I was the last person on the planet…you could find me at any coffee shop banging away at my laptop; provided being the last person on the planet there was electricity, or coffee shops…wait, who would make my coffee?
      I write because what I learn move me to inspire others. A message is transmitted to my brain and before I know it, my hand begins to jot down how this can bless others.
      I write because God requires me to. He gave me the spiritual gift of exhortation. I put my pen on the paper, and I effortlessly write. God works through me to encourage, inspire, motivate; and also to help and heal others.
      I write because there is an inner COMPULSION in me to write. I am ‘driven’ to write by my encounters in His presence and As the early Christians said, “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” [Acts 4:20]
      Francis Chan writes in one of his books that if the Holy Spirit gave His power to a basketball player, we would expect him to be the best basketball player ever! That’s how I feel about being a Christian writer. There must be excellence in my work. My goal is to be excellent as I aim to glorify God and cause impact to many generations.

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