God Said, ‘She Is Your Wife’ But I Took Five Months to Act On It: The omukhangos: God, the Matchmaker Series

Let’s explore how God divinely orchestrates marital relationships, aligning hearts and destinies in His perfect timing. Through Biblical insights and real-life testimonies, Patrick & Dr. Muthoni Omukhango reveal how God is still in the business of bringing couples together for His purpose.

The Interrupting Prophecy

In 2008, I had put everything on hold—including my job—to attend Bible school and the School of Ministry. A friend from my previous University campus had graciously hosted me, and I had developed a habit of praying while doing house chores at around 10 a.m. every day. One morning, as I scrubbed away at some dishes, I heard God speak to me clearly:

“It’s your season of marriage. Your wife will give you joy, joy, joy.”

I froze.

Marriage? Me?! No, that had to be my flesh interfering with my prayers. I shook my head, rebuked the thought, and continued scrubbing.

The next day, the same thing happened. Same words. Same message. This time, I got aggressive—I rebuked it like I was casting out a stubborn demon. I was here for ministry, not distractions!

But later that very day, in the middle of class, our Senior Pastor and lecturer at Kingdom Academy stopped his teaching, walked over to my desk, and asked, “Has God told you anything about marriage?”

I blinked. Wait, what?

“…Yes,” I muttered.

Without another word, he nodded and went back to teaching. Just like that. As if he had simply asked me what I had for breakfast.

Something was up.

A Year of Confirmation

Fast forward to 2009. An elder in Church, Dave, approached me and gave me a prophetic word:

“Before the end of this year, God will reveal your calling and purpose very clearly.”

I nodded politely, storing it in the back of my mind. It was not a conditional word, so nothing was required from me, other than waiting in a place of prayer. Sure enough, as the year drew to a close, I started having visions and undeniable confirmations of my fivefold calling. The weight of God’s purpose became clearer than ever.

And then, just when I thought I had received all the revelations I needed, I sat on my bed one morning and heard God’s voice again—but this time, it wasn’t about ministry or my calling/purpose.

“Mercy is your wife.”

We used to call her Neo at that time as she had transformed so much from when we had started Bible School-just like Neo in the movie, ‘The Matrix.’

My heart pounded. I sat there, frozen. Mercy? My classmate at Bible school? My workmate at CLC Kenya? I had never considered her that way.

For five whole months, I tested and proved God’s voice. I needed to be sure. This wasn’t a decision I could make lightly. Meanwhile, Mercy was busy praying for me to find the ‘perfect’ wife—even suggesting other sisters from church. Irony, much?

She was also believing God for a business-called husband for herself as she wanted to serve God in the business world.

The Key to My House… and My Heart

It so happened that during that season, I was also desperately looking for my own place. But every attempt to find a house was failing. Two weeks passed with no success, and I started wondering if this was a spiritual blockade.

Then, God spoke again:

“Mercy has the key.”

That was cryptic. But I had learned not to argue with God, so I casually asked Mercy to help me house-hunt that Friday. She agreed without hesitation.

The next day, we walked around, and almost immediately, we found the perfect house—one that would hold some of my greatest memories and encounters with God. It was only later that I realized this was a pattern for our lives—God would always use Mercy to help us find our house in different seasons of our later-married life.

Meanwhile, something else was shifting in my heart. For months, I had seen Mercy as a great friend and ministry colleague. But now? I was beginning to see her differently. Eros love—the romantic kind—began to grow. But still, I said nothing.

The Battle of Calling vs. Business

That April, we had just completed Bible school and needed to apply for our outreach program. I watched Mercy wrestle with giving up her business aspirations to pursue her fivefold calling. It was a struggle—a spiritual battle, even. She obeyed, but she wasn’t happy about it.

I felt like this wasn’t the right time to tell her what God had shown me. She wasn’t settled yet. And besides, I didn’t want to risk ruining our amazing friendship at Church and work.

So, I did something I had never done before.

I simply told her, “I have asked the Holy Spirit to tell you something.”

I figured, If this is truly God’s will, He will speak to her Himself.

The Moment of Truth

The next morning, I arrived at work early, as usual, to pray before other CLC staff arrived. Then, I called Mercy into Edith’s office.

“Has God said anything to you?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No.”

Wow! That caught me off guard.

I had been so sure God would have spoken to her already. But now, all my well-planned strategy crumbled, and before I could stop myself, I blurted out:

“God has shown me you are my wife for us to fulfill our purpose together.”

That wasn’t what I had planned to say. I had meant to be more cautious—to only share if she had already received a word from God. But there it was, out in the open.

I regretted it instantly.

She stared at me. I braced for an awkward moment or a swift rejection. But instead, she said she needed a few days to pray about it.

That felt like an eternity.

I spent the next two days wishing I could take my words back. I questioned if I had rushed it. Had I just ruined an incredible friendship?

But then, on Friday, 23rd April 2010, Mercy came back with her answer.


I still remember the moment vividly. She was wearing an orange suit. And in that instant, I knew—we had stepped into a new season, both spiritually and physically. Something new had been born in the spirit realm.

God’s Plans vs. My Plans

That same week, I set up an appointment with our Pastor, Vincent Odhiambo,  to start the official engagement process at Church. From that moment, everything changed—not just in our relationship, but in our purpose, ministry, and the direction of our lives.

Looking back, I see God’s fingerprints all over our story. The confirmations, the patterns, the divine timing—everything fit together perfectly.

What started as a prophecy from God  became the greatest blessing of my life.

And the lesson?

When God speaks, listen. He knows the end from the beginning—even when your beginning looks nothing like the future you imagined.

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