When God Speaks, Even Dreams Make Sense-The omukhangos: God, the Matchmaker Series

Let’s explore how God divinely orchestrates marital relationships, aligning hearts and destinies in His perfect timing. Through Biblical insights and real-life testimonies, Patrick & Dr. Muthoni Omukhango reveal how God is still in the business of bringing couples together for His purpose.

The Compensation Package I Didn’t See Coming

When God answers your prayers, but not the way you expected!

Bible school was my happy place. Two years in, and I was soaking in every lesson like a sponge—except New Creation Realities. For a season, NCR and I had an unspoken agreement to coexist peacefully from a distance.

At some point, I was even made the assistant class representative, which shocked me more than anyone else. Me? Leadership? I barely had my life together. I was nursing wounds from a relationship that had done a number on my heart, but I was slowly making peace with it. God had promised me a divine compensation—a husband. But let’s be honest, I had baggage. Not the cute, designer kind. The kind that made you wonder if TSA would ever let you through.

The Prayer That Changed Everything

I asked God for a husband… but with very specific requirements. Don’t judge!

So, I crafted a very specific prayer—no man should find me unless he was the one God had appointed as my compensation. And since this was a compensation package, I had my list of requirements. Tall? Check. Well-built? Absolutely. Deep voice? Essential—to command my strong-willed self. Well-monied? Let’s just say, after my past experiences, financial security sounded like the will of God. Don’t judge; a girl had suffered enough!

I had a solid accountability squad—Hellen Luvindi, Donald Olewe, and Patrick Omukhango. They were my personal CIA agents, ensuring I stayed on track in my spiritual journey.

Mission: Find a Kingdom Business Mogul

Because marrying a wealthy businessman to fund the Kingdom sounded like God’s will, right?

When I thought I had spotted the one, I ran to my then-pastor, Dolly Odhiambo. Dolly is the kind of person who can serve you the hardest truth while making you laugh till you cry. She took one look at me and said, “Forget that one. He’s getting engaged next week.” Aaaah! The heartbreak! I dramatically stared into the distance like a character in a telenovela. Where was my person?

I had a vision—build a business empire with my husband. I wanted to make loads of money (for the Kingdom, of course). And I knew Christian Literature Communications – CLC Kenya was not the place for that kind of wealth. We worked there because we were called, not because it would make us millionaires.

Patrick, The ‘Too Soft’ Brother I Was Sure Needed A Soft Wife

I was busy matchmaking him with a petite, soft-spoken lady. Little did I know…

Then came the twist. Our boss, Edith Wamalwa, went on maternity leave and left Patrick in charge. Now, Patrick was the soft-spoken, humble, spiritually mature guy—the guy you call when you need serious prayer backup. He lived a simple life, the type that made you rethink your own chaotic one. I was even praying for his future wife—someone soft-spoken and petite to match his gentle spirit. I had a whole list of potential candidates from church. Little did I know that five months before this, God had already spoken a name to him. And he had not shared it with me.

We walked home together every evening—he’d take the Kawangware route, and I’d take the 102 road. We’d talk about God, prophesy over each other’s lives, and crack jokes. It was pure friendship, no drama.

The Prophecy That Had Me Laughing (And Not in a Cute Way)

"Before the end of the week, God will speak to you about marriage." 

Then came Sunday, 18th April 2010.

After church, my senior pastor, Niyi Morakinyo, pulled me aside.

“Before the end of this week, God will speak to you about marriage,” he said with the kind of confidence that made me wonder if he had received a divine memo I’d somehow missed.

I laughed so hard! Marriage? Me? Pastor, I think you meant to say deliverance or spiritual retreat—but marriage? Not in this economy!

I kept that prophecy to myself. I wasn’t about to start entertaining ideas that would have me spiraling into overanalysis.

But honestly, my reaction was a lot like Sarah’s in Genesis 18. You know the story—three mysterious men (angels in disguise) showed up at Abraham’s tent, casually dropping the bombshell that by the same time next year, Sarah would be cradling her own son.

Sarah, eavesdropping from inside the tent, laughed to herself. The kind of laugh that isn’t just amusement but disbelief mixed with a tinge of, That’s a good joke, Lord.

Sarah Laughed… and So Did I

When God’s plans seem too ridiculous to be real—ask Sarah in Genesis!

She was nearly ninety years old. Ninety! At that age, baby showers weren’t exactly on her agenda. Everything in her natural reality screamed that this was impossible. Years of barrenness had left her resigned to her fate—why get her hopes up now?

But God heard her laugh.

“Why did Sarah laugh?” the Lord asked. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:13-14).

And sure enough, a year later, Sarah held baby Isaac in her arms, the very fulfillment of what once seemed laughably impossible.

I suspect that deep down, Sarah’s laughter was more than just doubt—it was self-preservation. A shield against yet another disappointment. And maybe, just maybe, I laughed for the same reason. I had been through heartache. I had seen relationships crumble. Marriage? At this point, it was easier to tuck that dream away than to hope and be let down again.

I laughed so hard! Marriage? Me? Pastor, I think you meant to say ‘deliverance’ or ‘spiritual retreat,’ but marriage? Not in this state of mind-frame I was in!

But just like with Sarah, God wasn’t joking. His Word doesn’t return void.

And as I would soon discover, He had already set things in motion.

I kept that prophecy to myself.

Patrick Drops a ‘Holy Spirit’ Bombshell

"The Holy Spirit has an important message for you." Oh boy… here we go!

Then came Tuesday, 20th April 2010.

Patrick and I were walking home, as usual, when he casually dropped, “The Holy Spirit has an important message for you. Be keen to listen.”

No surprises there—we were in a highly prophetic environment, and this was our normal talk. That night, I had a dream.

The Dream That Left Me Rebuking Satan

Military camp? Check. Patrick randomly waiting for me? Check. Walking hand in hand? Somebody wake me up!

It was a military camp. The kind you see in action movies—discipline, order, and people barking commands like they were born with megaphones in their throats. My training was over, and my family had come to pick me up. Relief washed over me. It had been a grueling season, but I had made it through.

As I approached the gate, my heart warmed at the sight of my people. But then—pause for dramatic effect—there stood Patrick.


Patrick was my friend, not my family. What was he doing here, standing all calm and composed like he belonged?

Something felt… off.

Still, I shrugged it off. Maybe he had come as my accountability partner, a role he took quite seriously. So, we started walking towards the bus stop.

Now, in real life, I am not one for unnecessary walking. I am the kind of person who will spot a matatu (public transport van) right there and get in, designated bus stop or not. Efficiency is key. Time is precious. But Patrick—oh, Patrick—was a by-the-book kind of guy.

“We have to go to the designated lay-by,” he said, voice steady, no room for negotiation.

I sighed, rolled my eyes for emphasis, but followed him anyway. This is just a dream, I told myself. Humor the man.

We finally boarded, and the matatu weaved through the city like it was on a covert mission.

The Church That Never Allowed Physical Contact—Until Now

Holding hands in church? That was next-level scandalous!

We alighted at our church’s premises, and that’s when things really started getting weird.

We walked in holding hands.

Yes. Holding. Hands.

Now, let me explain something about our church.

This wasn’t just any church; this was a church of righteousness and holy standards. The kind where single men and women were encouraged to keep an arm’s length distance when interacting—and that was on a normal day. Hugging? Out of the question. Walking in hand-in-hand? Abomination.

Panic set in.

What are we doing? What if the ushers see us? What if the church elders report us? What if we are cast out into the outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth?

I tried to shake Patrick’s hand off, but his grip was firm—reassuring, even. He wasn’t nervous. He wasn’t looking around like we were about to be ambushed. He was calm.

Then the real shocker happened.

The pastors saw us.

I braced for the scandal. I expected someone to burst into tongues, rebuke us, and summon an emergency prayer meeting on our behalf. But instead?

They were calm too.


No gasps. No hushed whispers. No elders rushing in to “restore” us.

Even more shocking, Pastor Niyi smiled. And if that wasn’t enough, Pastor Esther actually beamed at us.

I started looking around for hidden cameras. This had to be a prank.

But no, they weren’t just calm; they were… pleased.

Marriage Preparations? Whose Marriage?!

"We need to prepare you both for marriage." I think they have the wrong couple!

Pastor Niyi stepped forward, clapping Patrick on the shoulder like he had just won a medal of honor. Then, as if the entire situation was completely normal, he took Patrick aside and led him to the men’s class.

Pastor Esther, her face glowing with the kind of joy you reserve for a bride on her wedding day, gently took my hand and led me to the women’s class.

“We need to prepare you both for marriage,” she said warmly.

Excuse me, what?!

I blinked. Looked around. Blinked again.


Whose marriage?

I woke up instantly.

Heart racing. Pulse thudding. Sweat breaking.


That had to be him.

I sat up in my bed, hands clenched into fists. No way.

This was an attack. An infiltration. A pollution of my genuine, pure, Holy-Spirit-sanctioned friendship with Patrick.

I rebuked the enemy right there and then.

“Devil, I see what you’re trying to do, and it won’t work!”

I prayed. Poured anointing oil (figuratively, because, priorities). And went about my day, convinced that this was a spiritual distraction.

After all, Patrick was just my friend. Right?


I walked into work, determined to shake off that weird dream. But after our morning devotions, Patrick called me into Edith’s office.

“Has God spoken to you about anything?” he asked.

“No,” I lied. I was not about to share that crazy dream.

Then, very calmly, he said, “God has shown me that you are my wife.”


I was so disappointed.

“God, that was not the agreement!” I protested internally. This man and I earned the same allowance—actually, I made more than him because I had my side hustles. He did not fit my well-crafted ‘compensation package.’

The Walk of Denial—And Divine Confirmation

A walk from Valley Arcade to Yaya was not enough to process this…

I asked for a few days to pray and get clarity. Then I walked. And walked. From Valley Arcade to Yaya, processing my life decisions.

Along the way, I met Sylvia Omondi. “Sylvia, give me a word from God,” I blurted out.

She didn’t even think twice. “God says He has shown you the way. Whether you say yes or no, it’s up to you.”

Weh! My prophetic friends were on fire!

Determined to get more clarity, I called Hellen—on Bamba 20 airtime. Every second counted.

“Hellen, hi.”

“Hi, Mercy.”

“Can I tell you something?”

She responded instantly, “Patrick has proposed to you?”

Weh! Another one!

“Why did you say that?!” I asked, shocked.

“I don’t know, I’m sorry,” she said, realizing she had just blurted it out. She knew Patrick was like a brother to me.

At this point, it was clear—God was setting me up.

Saying Yes to a Future I Didn’t Plan For

Head: Confused. Heart: Clear. God: Smiling in divine satisfaction.

And so, on Friday, 23rd April 2010, just two days after Patrick’s proposal, I said yes. Not because my head was there yet, but because my heart was clear.

But let’s be honest, it wasn’t a fairytale, butterflies-in-the-stomach kind of yes. It wasn’t the kind that comes with music swelling in the background and a tearful embrace. No, my head was still catching up to what my heart already knew. Logic told me Patrick wasn’t what I had envisioned, but deep within, I knew—God had spoken. And when God speaks, you listen.

To say my mind wrestled with my spirit is an understatement. My carefully curated list of expectations was crumbling before my eyes.

But the more I pushed back with logic, the more peace settled in my heart. I started recalling all the times Patrick had been there—not just as a friend, but as a pillar of strength. The kind of man who doesn’t raise his voice to be heard but speaks with wisdom that makes people listen. The kind who leads not with charisma, but with consistency, faithfulness, and a servant’s heart. I realized I had been looking for a partner in the wrong way. I wanted a ready-made empire-builder, but God was giving me a visionary leader who would build something greater—one step at a time, with Him at the center.

Even as I said yes, I knew my head would take time to adjust. I told Patrick as much. “I know this is God’s will, but my mind still needs to catch up,” I admitted. He smiled—that knowing, patient smile—and simply said, “I understand.” That was the moment I realized he was already leading us. He wasn’t pushing, rushing, or demanding a reaction. He was steady, waiting for me to fully embrace what God had already shown him five months before. That kind of patience? It wasn’t ordinary. It was the patience of a man who knew his assignment and wasn’t afraid to wait for God’s perfect timing.

Looking back, I can’t help but thank God for the courage to obey even when things didn’t make sense. If I had waited for my head to catch up, I might have missed out on one of God’s greatest gifts to me.

God’s Compensation Package Delivered in Full

Turns out, He knew exactly what I needed—beyond my ‘tall, deep-voiced, rich man’ list!

As I flipped through my prayer journal, I was met with an unexpected revelation. Months before Patrick’s proposal, I had written down qualities I desired in a husband—a man of integrity, deeply rooted in faith, kind, patient, a leader who listens to God, and someone who values family and purpose over fleeting success. And there it was—Patrick had ticked every single box. The only things he didn’t match? The external, surface-level preferences that, in the grand scheme of things, meant nothing compared to character and purpose. I had been so fixated on my own version of a ‘compensation package’ that I almost missed the God-ordained one standing right in front of me.

And if that wasn’t enough confirmation, God threw in an undeniable sign—one that shut down my last lingering argument. When our boss, Edith, returned from maternity leave, Patrick had not just held things together at CLC Kenya; he had excelled. He had led with wisdom, steadiness, and humility, proving himself to be a capable leader in the workplace, just as he had been in our friendship. The board took notice, and in recognition of his stellar leadership, they promoted him to Deputy General Manager. That was when it hit me—this was not about Patrick ‘catching up’ to my financial expectations. This was God confirming that Patrick was indeed built for leadership, in ways that weren’t always loud but were consistent, diligent, and full of grace.

And just to wrap it up with a divine bow, Patrick’s promotion came with a pay increase—enough that he now earned more than me. I couldn’t help but laugh. It was as if God was saying, “Are you happy now? Can you trust Me?” In that moment, I surrendered every last hesitation. Not only had God provided a man after His own heart, but He had also removed my final excuse. This wasn’t just about my feelings or my logic—it was about God’s will unfolding in ways I never expected, but in ways that were absolutely perfect.

Ten Years Later… The Man, The Marriage, The Mission

Patrick—the quiet, patient, wise leader behind everything I am today!

Ten years later, I see what a compensation Patrick truly is. A mature man in his walk with God, leading our family and ministry with wisdom. He’s patient (did I just repeat that? That’s my favorite trait). A great husband, an incredible father, and my boss at CLC Kenya until 2019. Even now, he lets me seemingly lead, but he is the engine behind my success.

Our firstborn daughter, Adnah McKenna, and I call him our think tank. He doesn’t care for posters, speaking engagements, or public recognition, but everything CLC Kenya is today? His brainchild.

People mistake my loudness for leadership and his quietness for passivity. But as his WhatsApp bio wisely says:


Lessons From My Story:

1️⃣ God’s simplest plans for you are far greater than your most sophisticated ones.
2️⃣ You cannot out-love God—even in loving yourself. He sees ten years ahead; trust Him.
3️⃣ Marriage has little to do with outward appearance. Character will save you heartache.
4️⃣ A marriage built on purpose and friendship will outlast one built on emotions.
5️⃣ Your spouse should be your best friend—after God, before your kids, and everyone else.
6️⃣ Single ladies, don’t keep a brother waiting too long. Say yes or no and move on!

Did I mention I saved his number as Redemption? Every time he calls, I’m reminded of God’s redeeming love.

I had backslidden in my campus years, unsure if I’d ever find my way back to God. But He used Patrick—and still does—to restore me.

God’s plans? Always better. Always perfect.

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