Tragedy: Death of a Spouse

Joy, an office administrator, was happily married for ten years. Her husband George’s business was doing great and his work was enjoyable. They were living on the good side of the city and raising their three children.

George had picked drinking a few years before his death. The addiction escalated so fast, it was almost impossible to realize how much he had changed. One night he came home drunk and while going up the stairs of their four bedroomed maisonette, he fell down and died instantly.

He left Joy with a very young family, nine years old Tasha, five year old Mitchell and six months old Brian. Due to the emotional and financial constraints that followed, Joy had to move the family to a two bedroomed house in a less prestigious part of the city. 

It is never the same when a spouse passes on. Even when the financial constraints are limited, the loss of a loved one comes with emotional stress that takes years to overcome. 

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