Assignments create teaching and learning opportunities to think and learn about ideas, topics, events, and questions — about specific content in the writing course. This is why a quality assignment is the hallmark of effective instruction. By completing each assignment in the context of the unit you are in, you will form a stronger foundation for yourself to understand the next unit and by the end of the course, you should have the manuscript (first draft) ready. 1. Send a good resolution passport photo. Indicate your author’s names (how you will want your names to appear in your final book). ...
1 comments On Step 2: Pre-Writing – Stages In The Writing Process
Define who is your target audience (reader) for your book.
Our target audience is mainly for those young ministers of the gospel who have a calling to serve God and are going through a myriad of baffling situations and setbacks.
Set up a writing timetable
We are planning on writing everyday for some hours or so. Our schedule is hectic but we want to discipline ourselves to write especially after the children have gone to sleep at night or have gone to school in the morning hours.
Working Title:
The reflections of
a young pastor; The life, struggles and victories of The Mwakazi’s