Our Purpose – Biblical Inspiration for Authors (James Munyao)

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Brought Near by His Blood.

Ephesians (2:10)

This scripture reminds us that we were created for a purpose. This purpose is our good deeds, the Bible reminds us that our service to God is what we were called to do, relating to God in serving him. Jesus Christ laid a foundation for us as Christians on the way to go, serving our God through our different talents and gifts. As authors, we are privileged to give service to God through writing, the message that God has given me and you, we should put it down so that it impacts the body of Christ. As the scriptures say, we should walk in these good deeds throughout our life.

This means service to God is not a one-time thing but a lifestyle, So as we engage each other in our authorship journey, let us understand we are doing it for the good of the kingdom and having this in our minds we will get the courage to soldier on.

When the scripture says “we are his workmanship” it means God-shaped and designed us to be able to serve him, so the person you are today is for the glory and honour of our God, so keep doing his will, serving God is our purpose.


Glorious father we are thankful to you for our lives, thank you for reminding us of our purpose, enable us to grow into your ways so that we can live a life of purpose, a life of service to you, In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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