ook program is a good marketing and impact tool. Getting your book in bookshops and the selling platforms is just a step into the door. There are many people who will not read your book by themselves but would be open to a training, coaching, or structured program. There are organizations that are not open to buying your book but have a budget for training their staff or other recipients. So package your book in a program/training and sell it to them. Factor in your book costs and any other expenses you might incur. It's a win-win. … Read More
Category: The Future of Books
In Guest Contributors, The Future of BooksTags Future of books, Technology69 Views1 Comment
An audiobook is a very specific type of content: singular recordings of pre-existing text. In other words, 99 percent of the time, an audiobook will also be available in non-audio form(the actual physical book), and this is true whether it’s a novel, textbook, essay, etc. Audiobooks are never released in episodic chunks, meaning you can’t subscribe to an audiobook like you can with a podcast. … Read More
In Guest Contributors, The Future of BooksTags eBooks, Future of book, Self Publishing, Technological development in the book industry64 Views2 Comments
The advancements in technology and in culture have led many to ask the question, "Will there be books in the future?" This question is one that has brought fear and uncertainty for those in the book industry space. So are these fears warranted? Are we in the days of the last books? What future do books have? … Read More