ook program is a good marketing and impact tool. Getting your book in bookshops and the selling platforms is just a step into the door. There are many people who will not read your book by themselves but would be open to a training, coaching, or structured program. There are organizations that are not open to buying your book but have a budget for training their staff or other recipients. So package your book in a program/training and sell it to them. Factor in your book costs and any other expenses you might incur. It's a win-win. … Read More
Tag: African Writers
In Book Writing, Guest ContributorsTags African Writers, Domesticating Concepts67 ViewsLeave a comment
This brings me to the debate on why Western writers seemingly produce better quality books than local (African) writers? I start with defining who is a local writer? Who is your audience? Who is an international writer? Who is the international audience and what are the determinants of a book's success in the market? … Read More