Too Busy For Worship by Muthoni Omukhango



Have you lost the heart of worship in your daily work like I did?

I must confess; I am a recovering workaholic. In previous seasons of my life, this trait seemed quite endearing and many praised me for how hard I often worked. I soaked in that glory, deceitfully ‘scripturising’ it as burning the midnight oil (shaking my head now), as drawn from the parable of the ten virgins. As I grow deeper in my walk with God and get older in years, I have come to appreciate the difference between diligently going about my Father’s business and being too busy for worship. I am on a quest to restore the heart of worship in my daily work and I invite you to join me…

In this book, you will learn:
1. That God ordained work and He was the first worker
2. That we were created to work without toiling
3. The significance of Sabbath and how to rest today
4. Best Biblical example of working from a place of rest


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