What Book is in Your Hand? Picture the scene… Maybe a cold rainy day. Maybe a perfectly sunny day. Maybe just a normal day. I will go with a cold rainy day for today. I will pick a warm fleece blanket, my favourite white one. In my hands, I have a book I have desired to read for a long time, Anointed for Business by Ed Silvoso Well, it’s a book I am well familiar with at our bookshop. We started ministering with the book around 2009, I had just joined CLC Kenya. While it’s a fact that there are so many books … Read More
Tag: Books
In Authors' Inspiration, Guest ContributorsTags Books, Books for Legacy, Writing93 ViewsLeave a comment
Among the many possibilities of what Paul could requisition, he settled for his coat and his books (scrolls and parchments). This gives us a peek into the type of person Paul was. It seems to me that he had quite an appreciation for knowledge. It is no wonder he could hold his own against the best thinkers of the day at Athens at a time when philosophy ruled and Christianity was considered a sect! … Read More