Objectives: Writing: an effective technology since ages past. The significance of writing The implication to “we” the writers. Writing: an effective technology since ages past Our foundational scripture is; Romans 15:4 For whatever was thus written in former days was written for our instruction, that by [our steadfast and patient] endurance and the encouragement [drawn] from the Scriptures we might hold fast to and cherish hope. (AMP) In describing writing/books as a technology, Chad Grill the Chief Executive Officer of the mission, a network of business & tech podcasts designed to accelerate learning, says that, “The most useful definition of … Read More
Tag: Power of Writing
In Authors' Inspiration, Emerald CLC Writing Class, Guest ContributorsTags Biblical Inspiration for Authors, Power of Books, Power of Writing154 Views4 Comments
Therefore, push on, write and publish that book confidently. Then write another if you may. A fundi (carpenter) might discover it one day in an old building. He might give it to his bosses. And a nation might be changed forever. You never know. … Read More