As I draw inspiration from Ellicott’s Commentary for English readers on this Scripture, Paul draws to a conclusion, in a comprehensive exhortation to stand fast in all that is good on the foundation which he had laid in the name of Christ. The exhortation is marked by the reiteration of affectionate earnestness, in which, however, we may (as always) trace an underlying method. In each pair of attitudes there seems to be reference both to an inner reality and to the outward development, by which it is at once manifested and perfected. In both, Paul would have us grow up … Read More
Author: muthoni.omukhango
Reason #1: Being Grateful Makes You Happier and Healthier Most of us have probably heard the hymn “Count Your Blessings”, however, we might not know that literally counting our blessings increases our emotional health. Researchers had one group of students write for 20 minutes each day about things they were grateful for, a second about things they were angry about, and a third about random topics like the color of their shoes. Guess which group was happiest at the end of the experiment? The ones who wrote about things they were grateful for of course! Even more interesting is that … Read More
After we remove the worry and anxiety, we can then move on to the next phase, which is to believe in the trust-fulness of prayer. Here, God is calling us to talk to Him concerning the things that would otherwise cause us worry and anxiety. Remember that we are custodians of the children in our care and we are co-labourers with God in the assignments He has given us. In this case, the children are the assignment at hand. The online dictionary defines co-labourer as one who labours with another or an associate labourer. This means that if you had … Read More
HOW DOES GOD WANT US TO MANAGE OUR EMOTIONS? THE PHILIPPIANS MODEL Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]. Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, … Read More
Everyone in this life goes through disappointments, loss and change. It may not be single parenthood related, but life has generous opportunities to get us into emotional instability. While these are normal parts of life, they can still cause sadness , anxiety and stress. Many men and women in the Bible faced emotional challenges (we aren’t the only ones!), and we can draw strengths from their examples. One of my best examples is king David. He went through an emotional rollercoaster, in my eyes, probably the one person with life’s most highs and lows. You can clearly see this throughout … Read More
Studies have shown that an emotionally stable mother or father brings up emotionally stable children. I understand how difficult emotional stability can seem in the midst of challenging circumstances. The good thing is, God is not asking us to do this on our own, He wants to be involved and is very interested to help us out. During my years of single parenthood, I do not remember a day that passed by without my eyes welling and leading to loud sobs of disappointment, bitterness, anger and confusion. It was so bad that my eyes were blood-shot red most of the … Read More
Hebrews 5:14 A habit is a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up. In various parts of Psalms, David repeats that his desire was to observe the commandments of God. In order to develop new habits, we have to keep doing God’s Word and will regularly. Scriptures in Hebrews tell us that solid food is for the spiritually mature, whose senses are trained by practice to distinguish between what is morally good and what is evil. To develop new habits, you have to exercise over and over again. If you fall, you rise … Read More
Romans 12:2 God has given us the mind of Christ so we should not be conformed to this world any longer with its superficial values and customs, but be transformed and progressively changed as we mature spiritually by the renewing of our minds focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes. This is so that we may prove for ourselves what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect in His plan and purpose for us. The Word of God is the best mirror for us to reflect our thoughts on. When we grow to where … Read More
(i) (Psalms 1:1-3, 6) If we are struggling with sexual sin, we should know that we are blessed, fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God when we do not walk in the counsel of the wicked – following their advice and example. Nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit down to rest in the seat of scoffers and ridiculers. When our delight is in the Lord, and in His law, His precepts and teachings, we will habitually meditate day and night. We will be like a tree firmly planted and fed by streams of water, which yields its fruit … Read More
Ephesians 6:13-14 We have to purpose to get out of the challenges we are in. We are at war here, for God, for ourselves and for our child(ren). We should learn how to put on the armour of God and maximize the advantage the armour gives us. We should find the TRUTH from God concerning us; Have a RIGHT standing with God; Be prepared with the GOSPEL of PEACE; Shield ourselves with FAITH to quench the fiery darts of Satan; Value the WORD of God as our helmet of SALVATION and sword of the SPIRIT; and Engage in PRAYER and … Read More
My recovery journey was not a matter of my standing firm on my own. We are part of a community - the household of faith. … Read More
. I was coming from a relationship that had left me hurting more than I thought I could handle. I was making peace with it and God promised me a great compensation for a husband but I had so much baggage to let go of. … Read More
Good news is, we don’t have to do it on our own - we can get all the help we need. For some the help entails professional counselling and therapy; for others it will be spiritual strengthening; while for others it will be change of environment (work and residence) - whatever it takes for us to move on, let’s do it. … Read More
The tragedy of having to look at your baby and see the rapist all the time is so weighty and cannot be taken lightly. Only God can bring healing to the victim to be able to live a full and abundant life. God can and is willing to heal you and help you move on. … Read More
It is never the same when a spouse passes on. Even when the financial constraints are limited, the loss of a loved one comes with emotional stress that takes years to overcome. … Read More
Six years later, they would separate for a while and Peter got custody of Teule. He got the title of a single dad. He has done an amazing job caring for the son - he is loved, well fed, clothed and schooled. … Read More
It is overwhelming for a mother or a father to raise a child alone. That is why God put the two together, male and female, so they can assist each other in this godly assignment. … Read More
Getting pregnant is just one of the more visible outcomes of wrong choices in teenagehood - teenage sex poses a greater threat for teenagers as God forbids it. … Read More
This self-evaluation, if done honestly, will help you become more accountable to God and to yourself as well as empower you to take responsibility for your actions. Use it as a tool for continuous self-improvement. … Read More
Fortunately, God does not give up on us because He has identified us as His own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything He has promised us. … Read More
I was not holier than every single mother that I knew, but one thing I know, I got to a point where I totally depended on God to send me the right man. … Read More
You should and must not sell what you don't consume. If what you are selling is so good, you should be the first consumer right? Otherwise it's a scam! … Read More
In this program, Muthoni Omukhango offers this much needed interruption by candidly considering the plight of single parenthood, while masterfully weaving personal experience with research and the encounters of others, in order to shine a light of hope … Read More
One of the benefits of setting long-term goals is that it will help her learn to set appropriate benchmarks. Each year will bring a new sub-goal along the path to 'becoming'. … Read More
Book Launch – I Set Foot by Anthony & Damaris Muchiri. Growing up, I enjoyed the great outdoors more like all boys and girls would and especially being a scout. Scouting got me into official night outs at a very young age. … Read More
Theme: The Church & Great Commission Blueprint Topic: The journey to achieving the vision Purpose statement: To share the most important signposts or outline of the journey to encourage and challenge ourselves. It is important by way of learning and devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ to demonstrate the grace of God and how the Lord has led me.Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 4:7-16 Illustration: Psalms 37:4 says God will give you the desires of your heart. 22 years ago, having been involved in the leadership of one of the largest Pentecostal churches, what for me began as a strong desire … Read More
As the title suggests, I want to encourage ministers of the gospel do better, and accomplish their God given assignments. When I find ministers saying they’re tired and quitting the ministry work, I don’t tell them I know you wouldn’t have made it. However, when I meet a weary person, ready to give up, then I know that is the perfect time to encourage him. Being tired is the evidence that you have been working. … Read More
According to merriam-webster, the word blurb was coined by American humorist Gelett Burgess, as attested by American scholar Brander Matthews in September 24, 1922, New York Times article about blurbs: “Now and again in these columns,” he writes, “I have had occasion to employ the word ‘blurb,’ a colourful and illuminating neologism which we owe to the verbal inventiveness of Mr. Gelett Burgess.” The time was 1907, and the place was an annual dinner of the American Booksellers’ Association, at which Burgess was one of the honoured guests. It was a custom at these dinners for the guest authors to present to … Read More
Challenges in business or ministry are just the same - the victory is in adapting over time. … Read More
How To Nurture Your Child’s Talents What did Albert Einsteen’s mother do? Pauline Einstein was a very well educated and quiet woman who had an inclination towards the arts. When her duties in the household allowed it she was an assiduous and good piano player. She made her son Albert begin with violin lessons at the age of five. Her patience was characteristically for Pauline. Pauline and Maja moved first to Milan in the same year and one year later also to Pavia. Albert stayed with relatives in Munich to complete his education there. The separation from her son was … Read More
By Jimmy Nzioki During the CLC Kenya’s Entrpreneurs Webibar, we had a Bookpreneurship break-out session where we learnt that we should look at authorship as a responsibility and not just an opportunity. With that in mind, we’ll look at various authors in the Bible who took up the challenge of writing as a responsibility and more so as a way of preserving the events that occurred for the sake of future generations. Most if not all, wrote for the sake of posterity. We have the same challenge today as authors to be the record-keepers of the events that happen in … Read More
My name is Joyce Maina – a wife, mother and grandmother. Am a retired teacher and a career counsellor. Jesus is my Lord and Savior and He is the subject of our talk today. Let us start with a word of prayer: Heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty, by your Holy Spirit, give us wisdom to understand your Word, in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Just before Jesus was crucified, He told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. The times became hard, almost unbearable. Those who stayed in Jerusalem had the door locked for … Read More
Fearful is when I lose to fear Fearless is when I lose my fear After I lost fear; i was found … Read More
Congratulations on getting to the end of your book writing. If your readers are in the conclusion chapter, it also means they read the whole book, they liked it, and now they want you to wrap it up. So don’t do rash it. Give them what they want. … Read More
foreword is a (usually short) piece of writing placed at the beginning of a book or other piece of literature. … Read More
A book dedication is a way for you, the author to bestow a high honor on a person (or a group of people) you wish to praise or otherwise spotlight. … Read More
Bush Culture is an initiative whose tag line is “securing the future generation” : we purpose to bring young people to their full purpose in God by organizing initiatives that enable them to understand the place of God in their lives and the value of deep relationships, hard work, and character building. … Read More
I'm looking forward to sending the message about practical and positive Masculinity out there. This is the foundational level. I'm looking forward to growing it exponentially. I will be grateful if we can get it to a level where it shall have its own voice among the human race. … Read More
Each writer has his part and assignment in the overall plan. You have your assigned lane. If you don’t run on it, it will remain as is. God’s voice is put on paper for the others to read and act on. His agenda is made clear through the writings we do. … Read More
Objectives: Writing: an effective technology since ages past. The significance of writing The implication to “we” the writers. Writing: an effective technology since ages past Our foundational scripture is; Romans 15:4 For whatever was thus written in former days was written for our instruction, that by [our steadfast and patient] endurance and the encouragement [drawn] from the Scriptures we might hold fast to and cherish hope. (AMP) In describing writing/books as a technology, Chad Grill the Chief Executive Officer of the mission, a network of business & tech podcasts designed to accelerate learning, says that, “The most useful definition of … Read More
A married man can and may have female friends either from his place of work where he spends most of his time, from a social club or church or maybe even a childhood friendship or someone they went to college together with. But as it looks, your wife is not comfortable with this particular relationship and that should serve as a red flag for you. Why do we say this? … Read More
My name is Vincent Ogutu also called VOVO. What do I do? A business Coach, thinker and solution provider. I work with individuals and organizations to help find viable solutions to their business problems. I focus businesses to ensure survival, sustainability & profitability Lets discuss Business, Wealth Creation & how to stand out with your passion. I am an author of 5 books and what I am going to share is based on my mistakes and experiences. So let’s get started. What is a book? First and foremost a book is an asset like a shamba (farm), real estate, or … Read More
Through your books, you prophesy and bring healing, salvation, and restoration to the nations. You might not be a renowned author (yet) but continue walking with Christ. … Read More
Now that you have become a child of God, you are called a minister. A minister is a servant of authority whom God has sent in His authority to perform His service to mankind. Serving mankind needs preparation which takes one into writing. … Read More
Before you part with your manuscript, you need to edit, revise and proofread it. It is worth noticing the distinction between these three terms; while revising and editing may involve changes of structure, format and contents, and implementing the changes you have made, and proofreading is concerned with correcting mistakes related to, for instance, spelling and punctuation. … Read More
Book Launch – Twiga kindergarten series by Grace Waithira … Read More
Just like us, each time the Israelites encountered something difficult, they complained and grumbled against Moses and by extension against God. And so here Moses is inquiring about whom God will send him with. He acknowledges here that he needs help, he can’t do this by himself. … Read More
By Timothy G.M Mutani Traditionally, authors have been thought off as introverts. Many authors were known to relish themselves in their own company. This is where the creative mind exploded and they give the world their masterpieces. It is reported that many of the world’s best novelists seclude themselves, sometimes up to several months away from anyone to plot their books. In today’s world, authors, artists and other creatives are finding themselves on the list of almost every public speaking event. Additionally, authors must now engage in public speaking in order to promote their books. However, not all authors are … Read More
Goliath calls them servants of Saul. If you pass through quickly, there seems to be no problem with that statement. But contrast Goliath’s statement with David’s perspective. … Read More
ook program is a good marketing and impact tool. Getting your book in bookshops and the selling platforms is just a step into the door. There are many people who will not read your book by themselves but would be open to a training, coaching, or structured program. There are organizations that are not open to buying your book but have a budget for training their staff or other recipients. So package your book in a program/training and sell it to them. Factor in your book costs and any other expenses you might incur. It's a win-win. … Read More
Among the many possibilities of what Paul could requisition, he settled for his coat and his books (scrolls and parchments). This gives us a peek into the type of person Paul was. It seems to me that he had quite an appreciation for knowledge. It is no wonder he could hold his own against the best thinkers of the day at Athens at a time when philosophy ruled and Christianity was considered a sect! … Read More
By Joseph & Margaret Mutitika, Married for 17 years with two children The Mutitika’s will be sharing on the sacredness of marriage – Their marriage experiences. The good, the bad & the ugly. As a Kingdom couple, how have they been able to navigate the challenges of life towards enjoying a good marriage? THE SACREDNESS OF MARRIAGE During a time when many godly marriages fail and end up in divorce or separation, we acknowledge that it takes a lot of faith in God, dedication, and commitment to make a marriage work. We would like to start by stating that our … Read More
By Joseph & Margaret Mutitika, Married for 17 years with two children The Mutitika’s will be sharing on Raising Godly children – What’s their secret in an age where many, even born again believers, including ministers of the Gospel, have at times failed? In Proverbs 22:6 the Bible tells us to, Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Amp By God’s grace, we have been able to bring up our two boys according … Read More
An audiobook is a very specific type of content: singular recordings of pre-existing text. In other words, 99 percent of the time, an audiobook will also be available in non-audio form(the actual physical book), and this is true whether it’s a novel, textbook, essay, etc. Audiobooks are never released in episodic chunks, meaning you can’t subscribe to an audiobook like you can with a podcast. … Read More
The process of Making a Principality is Painfully Painful. Maybe some of us are quick to learn and adapt but as for me, it has been being to hell and back … Read More
As an Author, your brand is everything people perceive you as. It’s your personality, every word you write, the fonts and colors you use, the way you make people feel when they read your books or visit your website. … Read More
One of the biggest missteps for the African people was the failure of past generations to document their contributions to knowledge. We know that an idea is not 'real' until it's documented. The Wahengas (Swahili for elders who sit on native councils or who are trusted to give sound advice) who should have updated some of their ideas as time evolved and the context changed are nowhere to be found as they left no forwarding address. … Read More
I see authors from Kenya and Africa as small Gideons. The Lord has called us to confront the wanting culture of writing and reading in our country and continent. We are sticking our necks out to fight the giants of the prevailing attitudes, that there are not many authors in Kenya; that Kenyans do not read; that all worthy reading books are from the western world. … Read More
This brings me to the debate on why Western writers seemingly produce better quality books than local (African) writers? I start with defining who is a local writer? Who is your audience? Who is an international writer? Who is the international audience and what are the determinants of a book's success in the market? … Read More
Therefore, push on, write and publish that book confidently. Then write another if you may. A fundi (carpenter) might discover it one day in an old building. He might give it to his bosses. And a nation might be changed forever. You never know. … Read More
The advancements in technology and in culture have led many to ask the question, "Will there be books in the future?" This question is one that has brought fear and uncertainty for those in the book industry space. So are these fears warranted? Are we in the days of the last books? What future do books have? … Read More
An elevator pitch is a term given to any sales pitch that could, in theory, be delivered in the space of a short elevator ride. It is a fantasy scenario as you are never likely to be called to pitch your book in this way. However, the idea is that you might find yourself in the elevator with a Person of Interest who can’t, for those twenty or thirty seconds, escape or deflect your attention – so you can use that time to deliver a sales pitch so utterly compelling that that Person of Interest is drawn in and … Read More
The marathon is a long-distance race with an official distance of 42.195 kilometers (approximately 26 miles 385 yards), usually run as a road race. The first-ever marathon that was officially organized was held during the Athens Olympics in 1896. However, the original race is surrounded by legend that dates all the way back to 490 BC. According to legend, the Greek messenger Pheidippides had to run from the battlefield in Marathon all the way to Athens to announce the defeat of the Persians. The distance of this epic run was 25 miles and according to legend, as soon as … Read More
The New York Times reported that “only a small fraction of self-published authors sell enough books to make a living, and many are put off by the drudge work and endless self-promotion involved.” Writing your book is a great achievement, publishing it is enough work already but selling and distributing it? That’s where more work is needed. Why most Self-Published authors end up selling just but a few hundred copies of their book, is because of a misconception that the author’s work is to write and get published. No matter how great your book is, if you don’t get … Read More
Just like most Christians, I am an admirer of Apostle Paul – one of the most influential leaders of the early Christian church. Paul played a critical role in spreading the gospel to the Gentiles (non-Jews) during the first century, and his missionary journeys took him all throughout the Roman empire. It is recorded that Paul started more than a dozen churches, and he’s considered the author of 13 books of the Bible – more than any other biblical writer. This is why he is often considered one of the most influential people in Christian history. Arguably, he had … Read More
I must confess that I am a recovering workaholic. While in the previous seasons of my life, this trait seemed so endearing and many praised me for how much I worked so hard. And I soaked in that glor… … Read More
The first two weeks of a writing class (or any other class) are the most critical in a writer’s book writing journey. This is the time to test your commitment to your newly set goals. Like any other goal, you will be tested one too many times to quit and maybe try another time. There isn’t really a better time to achieve your goals other than now. The challenges you are encountering today will probably be there tomorrow or other complex ones might crop up in the future. The future might be a better time anyway, but who knows. It’s … Read More
You have successfully self-published your book – congratulations! Despite the fact that writing a book and publishing it is such a milestone worth all celebrations, this only gets you to the door. There is so much more that is attached to the success of your book other than writing it well and publishing it professionally. After being so diligent and investing heavily (on time and money) on the first two steps (writing and publishing), the last thing you need is for your book to fail to reach your readers and to make no sales. Sales to friends and family … Read More
Having an appropriate bio as an author sends the right message to your readers and potential readers. The bio is the first introduction a reader has on you. People are looking for reasons why they should spend their time reading what you have written. You need to instill confidence in your readers that you are knowledgeable on the subject matter. 1. The first step is for you to identify your purpose and audience. This is important because it shapes the ‘how to’ write the bio. This includes your tone, language, and levels of formality. A bio can be funny, … Read More
Books often start with an introduction before getting into the detailed chapters of the book. This introductory chapter is usually between one to three pages long, and is meant to provide information on what the book is going to be about. It gives background information, talks about why the book is important and gives an overview of the contents. … Read More
Why are we writing? There are so many available writing classes for potential writers. The need to belong to a writing group ranges from one person to another. However, as Christian writers, our core should not be what or to whom we are writing. The foundational principle is that we are writing as a form of worship to God and service to the men and women that God has called us to. We have to rely on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to ensure that our message is based on what He wants our readers to hear according … Read More
At the mention of the term “single mom” (and nowadays “single dad”) most people see a mess. There is an image that society has painted about single moms and dads – like they have done the worst sin in society. Finding myself on my own as a single mom was not an easy transition; it didn’t matter the circumstances behind my status or what hardships or mistakes led me to my position in life. In many circumstances, life bogs single moms and dads down as they work hard to manage this (single parent) position as they make ends meet. … Read More
Being in love alone is not enough to keep a marriage going, a reality that catches many couples by surprise. Here, we emphasise the importance of training and empowerment in making your marriage work, viewing it as the greatest institution established by God from the genesis of mankind. … Read More
When I started writing my four books several years ago (Back On My Feet, Jesus Killed My Business, A Girl’s Fathers and Too Busy to be Effective), I did not think much about been an effective Christian author. Being a Christian myself, I felt it was automatic that my content was Christian. This was until my husband shared with me a quote by Francine Rivers asking if ‘I am a Christian writer or a Christian who writes?’ The difference, as explained by Francine, a renowned American fiction author with Christian themes, is that a Christian who writes may weave Christian … Read More
From a 2020 new-year conversation with my two-decades’ best friend from high school, it dawned on me that parenting has come with extra gracing for me as it should for parents the world over. My bestie, in a WhatsApp chat commented that I am good with parenting my kids – and while it has not been easy at all, it made me reflect on parenting choices and tools I have used in my 17-years of parenting. In 2008, when my daughter was about 5 years old, I made a deliberate decision to learn more (through books and parents ahead of … Read More
Writing your book is a critical step towards getting published. Writing is the best way to share an idea or story that matters to you, while at the same time impacting the life of someone else. A simple book that you actually get to write is better than an awesome one that you dream of writing and is still in your head. Most people have a dream of writing a book but never realize it. This is why we are here today, now! To make sure that the book makes it out of your head into your word processor. … Read More
Here, we delve deep into the heart of parenting through the lens of faith, love, and Biblical wisdom. Let’s embark on this journey together, embracing the joys and challenges of parenthood with the Holy Spirit as our guide. … Read More