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Category: Authors, Books & Coffee
God’s hand is upon every one of us from the very beginning, shaping and moulding us for His purpose. From the moment of birth, everyone is meant for something greater. Each of us has a special calling from God and a divine purpose in store for us. As we surrender to His will, we can step into our true identity and experience the fulfilment that comes from living out our purpose. … Read More
God’s hand is upon every one of us from the very beginning, shaping and moulding us for His purpose. From the moment of birth, everyone is meant for something greater. Each of us has a special calling from God and a divine purpose in store for us. As we surrender to His will, we can step into our true identity and experience the fulfilment that comes from living out our purpose. … Read More
A writing class and the publishing process are distinct aspects of the journey an author takes when creating and sharing their work. Here are the key differences between the two: Purpose and Focus: Writing Class: The primary purpose of a writing class is to develop and improve writing skills. It focuses on honing creative, technical, and storytelling abilities. Writers often receive feedback from trainers and peers to enhance their craft. It is divided into two levels: At the beginners’ level, the author get the first draft of their writing. At the advanced writing level, the authors revise, edit and refine … Read More
God does not want you to run yourself into exhaustion, even by doing good deeds, church work or writing. … Read More
I have found myself pausing to think and meditate on what exactly does this means and what are the implications of this to my life. We are the dwelling place of God. … Read More
When you see non-believers or those who pretend to be believers get their books out with a misleading or hyped message and it sells like hot cake, we can get discouraged. But we have to remain faithful to the message God gave us and deliver it as He said. … Read More
Packed with empowering tips for teenagers, Victor's books offer an adventurous experience for the daring young reader to embark on with lots of courage and intuition. … Read More
Counting Joy When You Fall Into Temptations – Biblical Inspiration for Authors (Abiah Adnah McKenna)
I have already accepted that trials and tribulations are inevitable, life has its highs and lows whether you are a Christian or not. … Read More
This purpose is our good deeds, the Bible reminds us that our service to God is what we were called to do, relating to God in serving him. … Read More
I believe that we are also in the context of a world faced with the deception, immorality, and false teachings that Jude warned his listeners about. … Read More
Once in a while, we all get to the point of despair, discouragement, not knowing what to do next. What can you do when you want to write but don't know where to start? … Read More
(James 1:18) “Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures”.The New Living Translation of the scripture above says “He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.” Of all the things in creation, we’re the first and the best; we’re the Father’s crown and beauty. This doesn’t describe everybody in the world, but we who are born again; those to whom He gave birth through His Word are His trophies; … Read More
To have a heart for obedience is to have a deep desire to receive daily direction from the Holy Spirit. To obey is to walk in His ways, step by step- trusting that God is leading you and that He will correct you should you make an error. … Read More
Our only part is in remaining committed and focused in God and also in being keen to hear His instructions on what we should do in the storm. … Read More
Speaking of Passion, it brings glory to God, as we serve him passionately we lift him publicly and bring the honor to him. Passion is the zeal, inspiration, and tenacity; with holy intensity and impelling spiritual emotion. Speaking of Passion, it brings glory to God, as we serve him passionately we lift him publicly and bring the honor to him. Passion is the zeal, inspiration, and tenacity; with holy intensity and impelling spiritual emotion. … Read More
As authors, we must take and serve God's diet always. The messages we serve the world MUST not contradict God's word. We should always use God's word as the foundation and yardstick. … Read More
Most of the scriptures I refer to are in the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are written in prose. I express myself better in poetry; am a woman of few words. Hence, the hybrid of poetry and prose. … Read More
Identifying with our Saviour Jesus Christ means we were born of him and that we carry character traits of him, therefore our lifestyle should portray Jesus Christ in us. When we are connected to the true vine (Jesus), this means we are his branches… Isn't this fascinating? … Read More
When everything around you is uncertain, the key to stability is to focus on unchangeable truth. In the days ahead, you need to focus on what never changes: God’s character and God’s Word. And the unchangeable truths is found in scriptures. … Read More
As authors, writers, reader and ultimately Christians are to express our love, gratitude and worship to God in prayer without worrying too much about having just the right words to say. … Read More
After Gods grants us victory and we author books that impact the world, let us emulate the one leper who returned to give thanks to the lord. … Read More
All that God created was very good. There was no pain, diseases, sickness, catastrophes, or any evil that you can name. God also gave man dominion over the earth, but the man lost this dominion to Satan when he disobeyed God by eating fruits from the forbidden tree. … Read More
As you get deep in Christ, you get the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control and this get you loaded for impacts, for fruitfulness. … Read More
It is said that ‘Fear not’ is in the Bible 365 times, maybe one for each day of the year. It might be God knows that you need to remind yourself not to fear each day of your life. … Read More
Assignments create teaching and learning opportunities to think and learn about ideas, topics, events, and questions — about specific content in the writing course. This is why a quality assignment is the hallmark of effective instruction. By completing each assignment in the context of the unit you are in, you will form a stronger foundation for yourself to understand the next unit and by the end of the course, you should have the manuscript (first draft) ready. Do the introduction to your book. It is the beginning section which states the purpose and goals of your book. Summarize the outline … Read More
Assignments create teaching and learning opportunities to think and learn about ideas, topics, events, and questions — about specific content in the writing course. This is why a quality assignment is the hallmark of effective instruction. By completing each assignment in the context of the unit you are in, you will form a stronger foundation for yourself to understand the next unit and by the end of the course, you should have the manuscript (first draft) ready. Do your author profile/bio/biography. This is where you establish yourself as the kind of person who ought to be read by your target market. … Read More
ou do not have to be an English major to write a book. Writing takes a resolve that once I start, I will finish. The most important thing is jotting down your ideas. With the help of English major teachers and editors they can help you fix the grammar. The truth is, the ideas you have nobody else has and that what a story is. I can say without blinking that everybody has a story to tell. … Read More
Dr. Pamela has explored the discipline of solitude and the power there in. We are born and bled in a society that views solitude negatively and as a result we fill our lives with people and time leaving no space for alone-time. … Read More
https://youtu.be/H0Il2FGEUKghttps://youtu.be/i3_rz2qyBes Whether you’re a beginner looking for answers to basic questions or a frequently-published writer with years of experience, every writer will benefit from having a writing mentor. To complete the manuscript and graduate to the publishing phase, you will need to complete: Level 1: The Beginner Class – at the end of which you will have the first draft, and Level 2: The Advanced Class (at the end of which you will have a refined final manuscript. You should be able to complete the two courses in 13 weeks if you are fully committed to the process, assignments, and … Read More
Assignments create teaching and learning opportunities to think and learn about ideas, topics, events, and questions — about specific content in the writing course. This is why a quality assignment is the hallmark of effective instruction. By completing each assignment in the context of the unit you are in, you will form a stronger foundation for yourself to understand the next unit and by the end of the course, you should have the manuscript (first draft) ready. Put your research references together. The assignments number should be submitted via email/Google Docs (with permission to edit) to authors@cblafrica.com the day before the … Read More
This will include reading through other authors’ books on the subject matter; researching from the internet; and using any other relevant materials. *You should ensure you write down the references as you do your research to save yourself from looking for the references later during the publishing process. You should cut and paste the references on the last page of your writing pad/book/word processor etc. You should indicate book titles and the authors. *Avoid plagiarism – using other people’s content without credits to them is a crime punishable by law (and most times, ends up in expensive suits). If you … Read More
Assignments create teaching and learning opportunities to think and learn about ideas, topics, events, and questions — about specific content in the writing course. This is why a quality assignment is the hallmark of effective instruction. By completing each assignment in the context of the unit you are in, you will form a stronger foundation for yourself to understand the next unit and by the end of the course, you should have the manuscript (first draft) ready. Do the outline/framework/skeleton of your entire book as you see it now. Leave your answers in the comment box below. … Read More
This will form your map towards the writing journey. It’s important to note that the direction may change midway, but you must have something at the beginning. You are writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, if He chooses to lead you in a different direction, then you will just obey. Back On My Feet Book Outline: Introduction Chapter One: How did I get here – The fall or Tragedy? Chapter Two: A Plan of Escape Chapter Three: Escaping – From Bondage to Freedom The road back to sexual purity The road back to financial independence The road back … Read More
Assignments create teaching and learning opportunities to think and learn about ideas, topics, events, and questions — about specific content in the writing course. This is why a quality assignment is the hallmark of effective instruction. By completing each assignment in the context of the unit you are in, you will form a stronger foundation for yourself to understand the next unit and by the end of the course, you should have the manuscript (first draft) ready. 1. Send a good resolution passport photo. Indicate your author’s names (how you will want your names to appear in your final book). … Read More
As a Christian writer, your core should not be what or to whom you are writing. The foundational principle is that you are writing as a form of worship to God and service to the men and women that God has called us to. You have to rely on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to ensure that your message is based on what He wants your readers to hear according to His will. Your writing should also not be for monetary gain. In as much as you will sell your books and make money out of it (some more than … Read More
Assignments create teaching and learning opportunities to think and learn about ideas, topics, events, and questions — about specific content in the writing course. This is why a quality assignment is the hallmark of effective instruction. By completing each assignment in the context of the unit you are in, you will form a stronger foundation for yourself to understand the next unit and by the end of the course, you should have the manuscript (first draft) ready. Have you read about how an old dusty book changed the history of Israel at the time? Which book have you read that … Read More
Writing your book is a critical step towards getting published. Because writing is the best way to share an idea or story that matters to you, you have a chance to impact the life of someone else. A simple book that you actually get to write is better than an awesome one that you dream of writing and is still in your head. Most people have a dream of writing a book but never realize it. This is why we are here today, now! To make sure that the book makes it out of your head into your word processor. … Read More
Writing your book is a critical step towards getting published. Because writing is the best way to share an idea or story that matters to you, you have a chance to impact the life of someone else. A simple book that you actually get to write is better than an awesome one that you dream of writing and is still in your head. Most people have a dream of writing a book but never realize it. This is why we are here today, now! To make sure that the book makes it out of your head into your word processor. … Read More
There are many people naturally gifted in the world to write. There are many who have admirable command of languages. There are many books/ blogs/ poems/ songs being written and published in the world on a daily basis. Literature or artistic work done by a Christian should stand out from the “crowd”. … Read More
If God gave you a dream for your life, it will happen. It just has to happen on his timetable, not yours. … Read More
Author and Speaker Washington Blessing reminds us that being emotional is not necessarily a bad thing, but trusting your emotions as a Christian is. In your pilgrimage with God, it is sometimes easier to trust your feelings, your circumstances, your friends or anything else rather than in God’s Word. While your circumstances and feelings look and feel real, they are just natural happenings of life. The true happenings relevant to a Christian are only found in God’s Word and in His promises, which guide you when you’re overcome with emotion. You will find the promise you need, that fits your … Read More
Today we generally don’t write much due to technology, so most stories will only end up in social media platforms where we simply see them as fun points yet there is so much to learn from those stories. … Read More
Writing has always been a noble thing since the ancient times. Not everyone had the gift of writing, but the writers wrote not only for themselves but also for others. It was a way of preserving information. … Read More
My book explores concepts of love, romance, dating, patriotism, politics, identity, culture, climate change and life generally in modern era. It contains poems inked out of lived experiences, observations and meditation. In an artistic way, the poems provide a genuine understanding of life, its highs and lows, and hopes that move us. … Read More
The Saviour of the world accepted the troubles that came with the position. He ensured the work was finished as was scheduled to happen - death. Unlike Samson, Jesus never took his eyes off the cross – a very painful goal - death. For such a kind gentleman, He didn't shy away from goals. We even know how He travelled long distances and long hours to teach people. … Read More
“Taking Possession with Jesus” is based on the Book of Deuteronomy and it is a must read for believers who are wondering whether there is more to Christianity than what they have been experiencing? If you have felt unfulfilled in your Christian life and your zeal for God is fading away or you are eager to know your calling, this book will be resourceful to you. … Read More
Every message you pass across needs to be constructive and edifying . In other words, make sure you are building people up and positioning them on a path that will move them forward. … Read More
What Book is in Your Hand? Picture the scene… Maybe a cold rainy day. Maybe a perfectly sunny day. Maybe just a normal day. I will go with a cold rainy day for today. I will pick a warm fleece blanket, my favourite white one. In my hands, I have a book I have desired to read for a long time, Anointed for Business by Ed Silvoso Well, it’s a book I am well familiar with at our bookshop. We started ministering with the book around 2009, I had just joined CLC Kenya. While it’s a fact that there are so many books … Read More
Writer’s block can rear its ugly head in many ways. For some, being blocked means no words at all, while for others, it means trying to nail down a functional draft in the midst of a tornado of swirling ideas. … Read More
Book Launch –Inferential Statistics and Data Analysis for Decision Making by Abraham K. Waithima, PHD … Read More
your ministry can multiply its impact by cooperating, rather than competing. The authors explore case studies illustrating the power of collaborative ministry. They also vulnerably share their own failures and successes in pursuing a kingdom mind-set. Discover the power of openhanded leadership to make a greater impact on the world. … Read More
Book Launch – I Set Foot by Anthony & Damaris Muchiri. Growing up, I enjoyed the great outdoors more like all boys and girls would and especially being a scout. Scouting got me into official night outs at a very young age. … Read More
Theme: The Church & Great Commission Blueprint Topic: The journey to achieving the vision Purpose statement: To share the most important signposts or outline of the journey to encourage and challenge ourselves. It is important by way of learning and devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ to demonstrate the grace of God and how the Lord has led me.Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 4:7-16 Illustration: Psalms 37:4 says God will give you the desires of your heart. 22 years ago, having been involved in the leadership of one of the largest Pentecostal churches, what for me began as a strong desire … Read More
As the title suggests, I want to encourage ministers of the gospel do better, and accomplish their God given assignments. When I find ministers saying they’re tired and quitting the ministry work, I don’t tell them I know you wouldn’t have made it. However, when I meet a weary person, ready to give up, then I know that is the perfect time to encourage him. Being tired is the evidence that you have been working. … Read More
According to merriam-webster, the word blurb was coined by American humorist Gelett Burgess, as attested by American scholar Brander Matthews in September 24, 1922, New York Times article about blurbs: “Now and again in these columns,” he writes, “I have had occasion to employ the word ‘blurb,’ a colourful and illuminating neologism which we owe to the verbal inventiveness of Mr. Gelett Burgess.” The time was 1907, and the place was an annual dinner of the American Booksellers’ Association, at which Burgess was one of the honoured guests. It was a custom at these dinners for the guest authors to present to … Read More
By Jimmy Nzioki During the CLC Kenya’s Entrpreneurs Webibar, we had a Bookpreneurship break-out session where we learnt that we should look at authorship as a responsibility and not just an opportunity. With that in mind, we’ll look at various authors in the Bible who took up the challenge of writing as a responsibility and more so as a way of preserving the events that occurred for the sake of future generations. Most if not all, wrote for the sake of posterity. We have the same challenge today as authors to be the record-keepers of the events that happen in … Read More
My name is Joyce Maina – a wife, mother and grandmother. Am a retired teacher and a career counsellor. Jesus is my Lord and Savior and He is the subject of our talk today. Let us start with a word of prayer: Heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty, by your Holy Spirit, give us wisdom to understand your Word, in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Just before Jesus was crucified, He told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. The times became hard, almost unbearable. Those who stayed in Jerusalem had the door locked for … Read More
Fearful is when I lose to fear Fearless is when I lose my fear After I lost fear; i was found … Read More
Congratulations on getting to the end of your book writing. If your readers are in the conclusion chapter, it also means they read the whole book, they liked it, and now they want you to wrap it up. So don’t do rash it. Give them what they want. … Read More
foreword is a (usually short) piece of writing placed at the beginning of a book or other piece of literature. … Read More
A book dedication is a way for you, the author to bestow a high honor on a person (or a group of people) you wish to praise or otherwise spotlight. … Read More
Bush Culture is an initiative whose tag line is “securing the future generation” : we purpose to bring young people to their full purpose in God by organizing initiatives that enable them to understand the place of God in their lives and the value of deep relationships, hard work, and character building. … Read More
I'm looking forward to sending the message about practical and positive Masculinity out there. This is the foundational level. I'm looking forward to growing it exponentially. I will be grateful if we can get it to a level where it shall have its own voice among the human race. … Read More
Each writer has his part and assignment in the overall plan. You have your assigned lane. If you don’t run on it, it will remain as is. God’s voice is put on paper for the others to read and act on. His agenda is made clear through the writings we do. … Read More
Objectives: Writing: an effective technology since ages past. The significance of writing The implication to “we” the writers. Writing: an effective technology since ages past Our foundational scripture is; Romans 15:4 For whatever was thus written in former days was written for our instruction, that by [our steadfast and patient] endurance and the encouragement [drawn] from the Scriptures we might hold fast to and cherish hope. (AMP) In describing writing/books as a technology, Chad Grill the Chief Executive Officer of the mission, a network of business & tech podcasts designed to accelerate learning, says that, “The most useful definition of … Read More
A married man can and may have female friends either from his place of work where he spends most of his time, from a social club or church or maybe even a childhood friendship or someone they went to college together with. But as it looks, your wife is not comfortable with this particular relationship and that should serve as a red flag for you. Why do we say this? … Read More
My name is Vincent Ogutu also called VOVO. What do I do? A business Coach, thinker and solution provider. I work with individuals and organizations to help find viable solutions to their business problems. I focus businesses to ensure survival, sustainability & profitability Lets discuss Business, Wealth Creation & how to stand out with your passion. I am an author of 5 books and what I am going to share is based on my mistakes and experiences. So let’s get started. What is a book? First and foremost a book is an asset like a shamba (farm), real estate, or … Read More
Through your books, you prophesy and bring healing, salvation, and restoration to the nations. You might not be a renowned author (yet) but continue walking with Christ. … Read More
Now that you have become a child of God, you are called a minister. A minister is a servant of authority whom God has sent in His authority to perform His service to mankind. Serving mankind needs preparation which takes one into writing. … Read More
Before you part with your manuscript, you need to edit, revise and proofread it. It is worth noticing the distinction between these three terms; while revising and editing may involve changes of structure, format and contents, and implementing the changes you have made, and proofreading is concerned with correcting mistakes related to, for instance, spelling and punctuation. … Read More
Book Launch – Twiga kindergarten series by Grace Waithira … Read More
Just like us, each time the Israelites encountered something difficult, they complained and grumbled against Moses and by extension against God. And so here Moses is inquiring about whom God will send him with. He acknowledges here that he needs help, he can’t do this by himself. … Read More
By Timothy G.M Mutani Traditionally, authors have been thought off as introverts. Many authors were known to relish themselves in their own company. This is where the creative mind exploded and they give the world their masterpieces. It is reported that many of the world’s best novelists seclude themselves, sometimes up to several months away from anyone to plot their books. In today’s world, authors, artists and other creatives are finding themselves on the list of almost every public speaking event. Additionally, authors must now engage in public speaking in order to promote their books. However, not all authors are … Read More
Goliath calls them servants of Saul. If you pass through quickly, there seems to be no problem with that statement. But contrast Goliath’s statement with David’s perspective. … Read More
ook program is a good marketing and impact tool. Getting your book in bookshops and the selling platforms is just a step into the door. There are many people who will not read your book by themselves but would be open to a training, coaching, or structured program. There are organizations that are not open to buying your book but have a budget for training their staff or other recipients. So package your book in a program/training and sell it to them. Factor in your book costs and any other expenses you might incur. It's a win-win. … Read More
Among the many possibilities of what Paul could requisition, he settled for his coat and his books (scrolls and parchments). This gives us a peek into the type of person Paul was. It seems to me that he had quite an appreciation for knowledge. It is no wonder he could hold his own against the best thinkers of the day at Athens at a time when philosophy ruled and Christianity was considered a sect! … Read More
An audiobook is a very specific type of content: singular recordings of pre-existing text. In other words, 99 percent of the time, an audiobook will also be available in non-audio form(the actual physical book), and this is true whether it’s a novel, textbook, essay, etc. Audiobooks are never released in episodic chunks, meaning you can’t subscribe to an audiobook like you can with a podcast. … Read More
As an Author, your brand is everything people perceive you as. It’s your personality, every word you write, the fonts and colors you use, the way you make people feel when they read your books or visit your website. … Read More
One of the biggest missteps for the African people was the failure of past generations to document their contributions to knowledge. We know that an idea is not 'real' until it's documented. The Wahengas (Swahili for elders who sit on native councils or who are trusted to give sound advice) who should have updated some of their ideas as time evolved and the context changed are nowhere to be found as they left no forwarding address. … Read More
I see authors from Kenya and Africa as small Gideons. The Lord has called us to confront the wanting culture of writing and reading in our country and continent. We are sticking our necks out to fight the giants of the prevailing attitudes, that there are not many authors in Kenya; that Kenyans do not read; that all worthy reading books are from the western world. … Read More
This brings me to the debate on why Western writers seemingly produce better quality books than local (African) writers? I start with defining who is a local writer? Who is your audience? Who is an international writer? Who is the international audience and what are the determinants of a book's success in the market? … Read More
Therefore, push on, write and publish that book confidently. Then write another if you may. A fundi (carpenter) might discover it one day in an old building. He might give it to his bosses. And a nation might be changed forever. You never know. … Read More
The advancements in technology and in culture have led many to ask the question, "Will there be books in the future?" This question is one that has brought fear and uncertainty for those in the book industry space. So are these fears warranted? Are we in the days of the last books? What future do books have? … Read More
An elevator pitch is a term given to any sales pitch that could, in theory, be delivered in the space of a short elevator ride. It is a fantasy scenario as you are never likely to be called to pitch your book in this way. However, the idea is that you might find yourself in the elevator with a Person of Interest who can’t, for those twenty or thirty seconds, escape or deflect your attention – so you can use that time to deliver a sales pitch so utterly compelling that that Person of Interest is drawn in and … Read More
The marathon is a long-distance race with an official distance of 42.195 kilometers (approximately 26 miles 385 yards), usually run as a road race. The first-ever marathon that was officially organized was held during the Athens Olympics in 1896. However, the original race is surrounded by legend that dates all the way back to 490 BC. According to legend, the Greek messenger Pheidippides had to run from the battlefield in Marathon all the way to Athens to announce the defeat of the Persians. The distance of this epic run was 25 miles and according to legend, as soon as … Read More
The New York Times reported that “only a small fraction of self-published authors sell enough books to make a living, and many are put off by the drudge work and endless self-promotion involved.” Writing your book is a great achievement, publishing it is enough work already but selling and distributing it? That’s where more work is needed. Why most Self-Published authors end up selling just but a few hundred copies of their book, is because of a misconception that the author’s work is to write and get published. No matter how great your book is, if you don’t get … Read More
The first two weeks of a writing class (or any other class) are the most critical in a writer’s book writing journey. This is the time to test your commitment to your newly set goals. Like any other goal, you will be tested one too many times to quit and maybe try another time. There isn’t really a better time to achieve your goals other than now. The challenges you are encountering today will probably be there tomorrow or other complex ones might crop up in the future. The future might be a better time anyway, but who knows. It’s … Read More
You have successfully self-published your book – congratulations! Despite the fact that writing a book and publishing it is such a milestone worth all celebrations, this only gets you to the door. There is so much more that is attached to the success of your book other than writing it well and publishing it professionally. After being so diligent and investing heavily (on time and money) on the first two steps (writing and publishing), the last thing you need is for your book to fail to reach your readers and to make no sales. Sales to friends and family … Read More
Having an appropriate bio as an author sends the right message to your readers and potential readers. The bio is the first introduction a reader has on you. People are looking for reasons why they should spend their time reading what you have written. You need to instill confidence in your readers that you are knowledgeable on the subject matter. 1. The first step is for you to identify your purpose and audience. This is important because it shapes the ‘how to’ write the bio. This includes your tone, language, and levels of formality. A bio can be funny, … Read More
Books often start with an introduction before getting into the detailed chapters of the book. This introductory chapter is usually between one to three pages long, and is meant to provide information on what the book is going to be about. It gives background information, talks about why the book is important and gives an overview of the contents. … Read More
Why are we writing? There are so many available writing classes for potential writers. The need to belong to a writing group ranges from one person to another. However, as Christian writers, our core should not be what or to whom we are writing. The foundational principle is that we are writing as a form of worship to God and service to the men and women that God has called us to. We have to rely on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to ensure that our message is based on what He wants our readers to hear according … Read More
When I started writing my four books several years ago (Back On My Feet, Jesus Killed My Business, A Girl’s Fathers and Too Busy to be Effective), I did not think much about been an effective Christian author. Being a Christian myself, I felt it was automatic that my content was Christian. This was until my husband shared with me a quote by Francine Rivers asking if ‘I am a Christian writer or a Christian who writes?’ The difference, as explained by Francine, a renowned American fiction author with Christian themes, is that a Christian who writes may weave Christian … Read More
Writing your book is a critical step towards getting published. Writing is the best way to share an idea or story that matters to you, while at the same time impacting the life of someone else. A simple book that you actually get to write is better than an awesome one that you dream of writing and is still in your head. Most people have a dream of writing a book but never realize it. This is why we are here today, now! To make sure that the book makes it out of your head into your word processor. … Read More